Alright, let's have a serious chat here. Harem pants. Love 'em? Hate 'em? Indifferent? At first I thought yucko, could they be any more unflattering? Then, I felt intrigued by every woman I saw wearing them. I'll be honest, they're growing on me. So on a recent shopping trip I tried on a pair. Bad. I sooo wanted them to be fabulous, but they were awful. I guess you have to be of the long and leggy kind to pull them off. Wear them well ladies, wear them well. 
I had the same experience as you, my sister first bought a pair almost 3 years ago and i thought they were HIDEOUS! now they are growing on me, but i think they need to be a silky type of fabric...I bought a jumpsuit that has the harem pants effect, its kind of weird that the bottom sags so low but you get used to it. I literally get stopped all the time when I'm wearing it :)
Sister, first you have to spell them correctly(harem) then never ever buy them unless you are making a video of "can't touch this".
Anonymous- i know how to spell harem. :). Since i was referring to a pair of Topshop's, I used their spelling. Though I probably could just change it to clear up confusion. Thanks for stopping by an weighing in.
So don't get the Kristen Stewart thing at all! Or the harem pants :)
...wonder if "Anonymous" knows how to spell r-u-d-e?
I'm kind of indifferent to the pants. I have long legs, and may be able to pull them off... but I've never tried!
Love your new profile picture, and I'm making your chili this week:).
They always look great in magazines but I don't think I could pull them off, either. I agree they are for the long legged. :)
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