And while I'm on the pregnancy topic (don't worry this isn't becoming a pregnancy blog), yesterday we went in for our 16 week appt. My amazing doctor (Dr. Lara Wilson at Lowcountry OBGYN) snuck us in for an early ultrasound so we could see the gender of the baby. Wooohoooo. The contents of this envelope will tell us if we're having a boy or a girl!
{I took this picture in the elevator right after the appt. Josh had gone ahead back to work in case you're wondering...)
Can you believe the willpower I have? I'm surprised Josh trusted me with that. So, if we can refrain from just tearing into the envelope (which is entirely possible) we'd like to find out the gender in a fun way. We're considering doing a gender reveal cake where a bakery makes the outside of the cake neutral and the inside is either strawberry or blueberry cake and then just let Lilly tear into it. Could be fun to cut into, and eat... Have any other ideas?
On a funny and last note, about an hour after the appt I texted Josh and just wrote "It's a boy!" to see what he'd say. He actually believed that I had not only opened it without him but had deemed it appropriate to just text him the news... He was so mad that I'm not even going to share his response with you. I got a lot of laughs out of that.

Congrats girl!! So exciting!!
You are making this time even more exciting and fun! I love it! The cake idea is really cute. I think Lilly will approve of the cake idea...
I seriously can not even comprehend your will power- there is no way on god's green earth that envelope would still be intact if it was in my hot little hands. I can not WAIT to here the news- cake is a sweet idea but can you have it made tonight?????????
do the cake...but head over there now and have it made ;)
Cannot believe you haven't opened it yet, I am so so impressed. I love the idea of a cake, particularly because its a fun excuse for cake!
Congrats! I used to go to dr wilson also. I loved her but my insurance changed and the office no longer took it. Best wishes for your pregnancy!
CAKE! Have a party! or just never open it. ;) The surprise at the end is a blast!
Someone just told me about the cake idea last night, I think it's cute!
That text sounds like something I would do. On Father's Day I rubbed my belly (we are newlyweds, no kiddos)and told my husband "Happy Father's Day!" He has gotten so used to me joking that he doesn't take me seriously anymore!
I had friends bake cupcakes with a pink gumball inside and they invited their family over to eat them to find out the gender. I always thought that was cute!
Hahaha---That is hilarious that you text him!! I do love the idea of being surprised with the cake. Congrats again! Super exciting!
I once saw a gender guessing party. The couple had friends and family come over in either a pink or a blue shirt depending on what sex they thought the baby was. They either opened the envelope all together or the parents came out wearing the appropriate color shirt. Either way it was a cute idea (and I'm probably totally ruining the story).
Love the cake idea too!
You have amazing will power! I don't know how you do it. I think the cake idea is a great way to find out. Can't wait to hear what you're having!!!
I have absolutely no idea how you are being so patient, but I love the cake idea!
That cake idea is fantastic! I'd for that! :) And I love the text joke. Too funny.
Ah! Bizarre! I go Dr. Wilson, too! Love her - she's the BEST! Your willpower to not open that envelope is truly amazing!!
I love the idea of cake with colored icing inside for the sex! I am impressed with your willpower, I would have tore that baby open at the doctors office!
CONGRATS doll! you have WAY more will power than me! xoxo
Haha !! I love the idea of the cake !
My sister in law invited both families over and brought her daughter (the baby's sister) upstairs and changed her into a shirt that the gender. I think the cake idea is wonderful too! Congrats!
This is so exciting!!! I know another couple who did the reveal cake and had family and close friends over to cut into the cake with them.
I agree with some of the above comments. Serious will power! but it will be so much fun to find out together.
Oh my gosh you do have willpower! How fun, love the cake idea!!
Loving the cake idea...BUT, only if you let the pastry chef see the results and not the two of you! Then it is a surprise for all when Lilly tears into it. Your text sounds soooo like something I would have done. I once "casually" told hubby we'd made a mistake in downsizing my car, upon his quizical look, I said, "weelll..." He was white as a ghost (we already had two girls and had just bought the new smaller car) which I then replied, "Aril fools!" He never takes me seriously anymore. Wonder why?!!!
I say reveal party all the way!! I so plan om having one with baby #2!! And I think Sugar dt will do cupcakes with the color in the center ;)
YAY!!!! I LOVE that idea! And Dr. Wilson was my doctor when I lived in Charleston. I kept her even after we moved to Pawleys because they have an office in Georgetown but I had to deliver in Mt. Pleasant. I'm still sad about that!
You are killing me! I can't believe you have the power to find out and we don't know yet! AHHHHH! Totally do a party where you cast your vote's and everyone wears a big bow or a mustache and than reveal it with cupcakes or I have seen it done with cookies too. Sooo fun!
Congrats! Love the cake idea! A friend of mine did it and had everyone wear pink or blue (representing the news they were hoping for). It added something fun to her party! She also had her cravings as the refreshments.
Love the cake idea, sounds fun! I know people who like to keep the gender a surprise but I could never do that, could you? Besides, it took us 9 months to choose Matthew's name, so imagine if we left it for surprise, the poor guy would probably still be without a name! Plus, I like to start thinking about them gender accordingly (ok, and I get excited with the shopping and decorating as well!)
Congrats! Oh how exciting.
you must email me his response right this second
I can only imagine what he said! I've never seen my hubby look more proud?? than the moment we learned we were having a boy. The look and smile on his face was priceless. I've been having baby fever too- maybe we won't be too far behind y'all! :)
Love the cake idea and you are a gal with willpower! How exciting!!
You have willpower of STEEL. I would have completely opened it and pretended like I didn't (c: I like to be a know-it-all...can you tell? That is pretty funny that you played that joke on him...especially because you *know* that secretly he's hoping for a boy (c:
since my mr was out of town when i had the appt i did the same and had the ultrasound technician write the gender in an envelope and then when my mr got back into to town we went to a nice dinner, handed the envelope to the waitress, ordered two desserts, choc cake for a girl and creme brulee for a boy. it was a fun way to find out!
I have a funny story. When my daughter was pregnant I went to the first office visit and ultrasound with her and they determined it was a I purchased 100's of outfits, everything in pick. At her second appointment they did an ultrasound and my oldest daughter went with her. They called me to say the first ultrasound was wrong and she was actually having a boy. On my way home I stopped and loaded up on "blue" stuff since we have never had a boy before. You can imagine my girls surprise when I started lugging the bags in the house. They both burst out laughing and told me they were only was really a girl!
I'm amazed at your will power! I probably would have peeked and pretended like I didn't. One Christmas I MAY have snooped in an email I wasn't supposed to and spoiled my gift. I'm bad. And the text sounds like something I would do to my hubby. Too funny! Congratulations!
Congratulations! I wouldn't be able to hold onto that envelope for two seconds without peeking. I love the idea of the cake!
Om my gosh Chassity! I would feel the same way if my second baby was to be a boy! I bet your hubby can help you out! Oh and I got Elle a blabla too before she was born! The green monkey (since we didn't know the sex)
SO happy for you!!!
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