Please help me welcome my new sponsor, Pretty Mommy. I'm so thrilled to have Michelle's shop here on the blog b/c it is one of my favorite shopping destinations. She carries some of my most favorite labels like Ace & Jig, Clare Vivier, John Robshaw, Dream Collective, Scout & Catalogue, Lizzie Fortunato, and Laura Lombardi. Yeah, it's an amazing collection of fabulous finds. Michelle knows what she's doing. She used to work as a buyer for small designer boutiques, but has since had children and decided to open up a shop of her own - lucky for us all.
{Dress (I have two of these and adore them), and Shower Curtain}
Please help me welcome Pretty Mommy and go visit her shop. It is the definition of chic!

What an amazing sponsor- congrats!!!
beautifl things - i love that clutch.
Congratulations on an awesome sponsor! That hot pink clutch is calling my name!!
Yay I love that shop! Congrats thats a big one :) Oh I have to go now...must by that clutch and necklace!
Adorable. Great sponsor. Congrats, girl. Off to check it out right now.
Seriously, what *doesn't* she carry in her shop! Completely fabulous. And I love that she started it so she could stay home with her little ones, love that!
So many cute things !! I love all the clutches.
Congratulations on your new sponsor! I'm loving the little short black dress. Cute and comfy! I'll have to check out her shop.
Such great stuff! Thanks for sharing!
OK love EVERYTHING here!
Thanks for the great write up Chassity!! So excited to be a Look Linger Love sponsor ;) xoxo
i love pretty mommy. great sponsor!
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