Such a rad momma (she has 5 boys! 5!). She's a former designer for Sarah Richardson Inc & Design Inc (I know!). And she's just about the sweetest, lovliest person ever. I know this, we've hung out and stuff. Not to boast... :) But that's not what this post is about. This post is about how Erica has single handedly convinced me that I need some converse kicks. Scroll back up there and take a peek at her shoes. I'll wait.
Call them what you want... sneakers, kicks, tennies. I love them. And I know they've been around forever. Both Josh and Lilly have a pair But I never really thought that I needed them. Oh but I do. I dooo. And they don't break the bank at all.
They have a million colors, and you can even customize them. I like the high top version too. Decisions decisions...
What do you think? Which Converse is your favorite? I think I'm partial to the dark colors.

So funny I noticed Erica's shoes and love them too. Not sure I could pull them off but you could my friend! I am def getting Sterling a pair for shizzle. They are so cute on kids.
Have always loved them on kids for sure! We have purchased a few pairs for the girls and Gavins time will come also. I haven't had a pair in years BUT you have my wheels turning :)
Converses ARE rad...and they do have staying power because I remember rocking quite a few different pairs {remember the plaid ones?} in 5th grade. Super comfy
Sarah Richardson?!?! Eeeeeek! She's the BEST! Cute shoes too!
How adorable is Erica? And yes get them. I like that first pair. They have a little edge to them.
I want a pair, even bought a pair, but alas, my angry feet don't find comfort in them. :( boo. that plantar fascitis! I am, and unforunately will be a part of the comfortable (ugly) shoe club. Every now and then I can sneak a cute pair on for about a day and then i pay for it. Hey, maybe i will try again and just wear them once in a while:).!
I have a pair of grey ones and LOVE them! I wear'em all the time. Go get you some!
I have a white pair and love them! I have only tried them in the summer/spring with jeans rolled up but they look adorable on her for more of a fall look! And 5 boys?! Wha??
She looks so young. 5 boys? I give her a lot of credit, she has fun style.
You really can't say how awesome Erica is, I love her like a sister and am lucky enough to call her one of my close friends, one with the best style.
I just love Erica! I have all black Chucks and I love them...hence Chuck Taylors are my fave!! xoxo
I'm about to die for a pair of the classic gray high tops...why do I love shoes so?!
I love the top gray ones, they really are awesome. They pretty much just scream "I'm rad." (c: I think I'm also with Natalie, I totally need a pair for my little man, too! And P.S. Any momma that can rock out on a skateboard is freakin' cool in my book (c:
Erica is the coolest mom, period. I mean, she skateboards! I have a pair of black high tops and I love them!
wow! That first picture is so amazing!! that light is awesome!!!!
I've never owned a pair of converse either but it seems like such a practical shoe that can get away with anything...may have to invest in a pair soon!
Agreed, Erica oozes cool. You wouldn't imagine she's a mom of 5 boys!! And yes, I'm totally in on the chucks... Especially the slim ones... Bit of a change from the camo high top ones I used to own :)
I've been living in Converse since I was 13 and I was so afraid of reaching the age where I have to give them up. So glad that age doesn't exist! Still my favorite weekend wear.
Awwww, love her! She embodies perfection. Now I feel sort of cool because I have those same chucks!
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