All you need to do is leave a comment below gushing over how much you love the line.
For additional entries (leave a comment for each please):
* Follow Tea Collection on Twitter
* "Like" Tea Collection's Facebook page
* Tweet the giveaway (be sure to mention @looklingerlove so I see it)
* Click the Facebook "Like" button below to share the giveaway on your wall.
This giveaway will end the evening of Saturday, Sept. 3rd. and we will announce the winner on Sunday. Good luck! Giveaway only applicable to US residents at this time.
"Tea, the drink, is shared in nearly every culture around the world. Being Tea is about experiencing life together, even when we're not in the same place. It means taking the time to understand and honor our differences. In doing so, we become closer."

Great giveaway1 Your daughter is a natural model! I have seen the Tea Collection on blogs... their stuff is really pretty and would be perfect for my little 18mth old!
I Like Tea Collection on FB.
Lilly looks adorable! The boots are cute cute cute. I am loving shopping for the girls for fall/winter. and some me as well ;)
Your little girl has such style...she looks so cute in their clothes!
I like them on FB.
I LOVE tea collection. I have 3 kids and my baby is a girl and love their sweet clothes@
The Tea line has some fabulous clothes indeed! I must also add little Lilly is looking so adorable ;)
I absolutely adore the line from The Tea Collection!! I am entering to win for my bestie as she is pregnant with her first child! I follow you via GFC, on FB and on Twitter. I follow Tea Collection on Twitter and liked on FB as Brianna Dale. I tweeted about the Giveaway as @BresBaubles and shared on my FB page too! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity! Hoping to win and crossing my fingers!
Oh my goodness, she is too cute for words! Love her little outfits
Very cute! My sweet niece would rock these clothes!
She is just entirely TOOOOOOOO freaking cute!!! And I would LOVE love love to win this- so many things I'd love to have for the little boys and girls in my life:)
I follow TC on Twitter.
And I like them on FB...thanks for the fab giveaway!!!!
Oh she is even drinking tea! I would adore to win this giveaway...I am always shopping there for my kiddo's!
Following T on Twitter!
Liked them on FB too!
Her outfit is seriously too cute! Love how you put it together!
I LOVE Tea Collection! Lilly is so stinkn' cute in that outfit!
Lucky Lilly! Those are adorable:)
Oh, I'm in! Their clothes are adorable, and just in time for fall!
I like them on fbook.
shared giveaway on fbook.
LOVE LOVE LOVE TEA...everything they have is precious and the quality of clothes is amazing, I have some favorites from my firstborn that I have been so excited to put on my 2nd little man and boy does he look just as cute as his big bro. I would love to be able to get some new styles for both my boys! I am a facebook fan now!
follow on twitter
tweeted the giveaway!
Oh they have the cutest clothes! :-)
She looks adorable!! Can't get over how cute she looks!! Love the clothes! I'm going to have to check out their line. My niece is already getting obsessed with clothes too, which my sister says is just like me! oops! :)
I love Tea! P owns a few pieces and needs more. Great quality.
I like Tea on Facebook
I follow Tea on twitter
I liked them on facebook!! How cute is their stuff!! yay!
Gorgeous pieces!!!
I adore the tea collection! Perfect clothes for wonderful kids! Thanks!
I liked Tea on FB!
I'm following Tea on Twitter (@katiewendel)
LOVE Tea!!!! Especially there Tees and hoodies....You can never have enough of those with boys! ;)
oh my goodness! how adorable!
I never leave comments, but I love Tea Collection so I decided I needed to start! I have been buying their clothes since my 7 year old daughter was a baby. They are adorable and hold up so well. I am expecting a boy in November so hopefully I can order a few cute things for him!
I folow Tea Collection on Twitter as @BresBaubles
I "liked" Tea Collection on FB as Brianna Dale
I tweeted about the Giveaway on Twitter as @BresBaubles
Oh please pick me!I love Tea Collection!
From Maya: "pick me! Pick me! these clothes will look sooooooooo cute on me as I begin my last year of pre-school! Plus, I miss you." We love it! <3 MGD
Also, I like Tea Collection on FB :) xoxo, MG
yes please! perfect for the pregnant best friend, eh?
I heart tea clothing and could really use some for my Lola who is starting Kindergarten next week! Lily looks adorable!
Love tea on my 8 year old big boy, on my 4 year old girly girl, and on my 1 year old baby boy! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Lilly looks SOO cute !! She is seriously stylish !
We are HUGE Tea fans in our house and have been since my daughter was a newborn. Would love to add to our collection!
I like Tea Collection on FB.
I shared the giveaway on FB.
I had never heard of Tea until today. I love the outfit that Lilly is wearing, especially the dress! I want to see more!!! Lilly is adorable. I know my Lilly would definitely love to add to her back to school wardrobe.
ADORABLE model, and adorable clothes :D Would love to win some for my little one!
What an amazing giveaway! I couldn't be more excited! I would have to split the money between my little girl and baby boy. For him I'd get the Moon Wrap one piece or the Explore Moon gift set, and for her I'd get the Talavera layered dress with the skinny striped leggings. I LOVE Tea Collection!
I also like them on FB!
And I'm posting it on my wall! Thanks!!!
I love the Tea brand! They have such well made clothing and it's always comfy and stylish! What a gorgeous model they picked! ;)
Love Tea Collection! Not only is their stuff adorable, the quality is fantastic. It was be washed and dried over and over again. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Love me some Tea Collection! Off to thier website now to check out the newborn stuff :)
Love Tea Collection they have cute clothes especially for boys when there is not much variety from other brands.
betsy_349 at hotmail dot com
Like Tea Collection on FB.
betsy_349 at hotmail dot com
Oh Lily is freaking adorable! I heart that little outfit on her!
I Love the whimsy and sweetness of TEA collection... My little girls love to wear it!! And I could eat them up in it.
And I like Tea on FB, too!!
Ok how cute is Miss Lily. I would love to win this because I need some "big boy" clothes for Sterling. Tea Pajamas are my favorite too:)
Love Tea Collection - not only is their line modern and cute, but super comfy and high-quality, too!
Follow them on Twitter
"Like" them on facebook!
this looks cute ^^ i would love to win some clothes for my kids
followed on twitter =)
"liked" on Facebook =)
They always have the sweetest stuff! My daughter Hailiegirl loves how soft their clothes are..
Tea has the BEST boy clothes. And believe me, cute boys's clothes can be hard to find!
I like Tea Collection on fb.
Lily is *definitely* a fashionista...I just about fell out of my chair seeing her leggings, socks, and boot combo. ADORABLE. And speaking of adorable, Tea Collection has the most darling skinny jeans *EVER* little skylar is needing a new pair, she just grows too stinkin' fast!!! (c:
Following on the Twitter...
Liking their cute little selves on FB...
The Tea collection is the best mix of style yet still being age appropriate. I love the material and designs, and my daughter loves to twirl in their cute dresses. She just entered preschool and would love more dresses to show off to her teachers and classmates.
Adorable your little fashionista ;)
I love Tea, especially the Adios bicleta Tee and the Simple Satire Sneaker!
Adorable! I love this giveaway!
I'm following on twitter!
I like them on fb!
Your daughter is so adorable and stylish, Chassity! Those photos are so cute of her.
Love Tea line my 6 year old and I can agree on!
Following Tea on Twitter.
I "liked" Tea on Facebook.
I also "liked" your post on FB.
Tea Collection clothes are some of the best when you're looking for something different for boys - which can be hard to do! I love them for my 3 year old son and I really want some of the skinny pointelle leggings for my 1 year old baby girl to rock this fall. Thanks
I LOVE your daughters outfit! Their clothes are so cute.
I like Tea on FB.
I follow Tea in twitter.
My husband and I are super picky about the style of clothes our son wears and Tea is just perfect for our little boy!
CUTE CLOTHES!!! I have several grandkids that would look super in these outfits.
i love tea! i seriously JUST bought clothes for our family pic.! sign me up!! p.s. i also love their womens line! :)
I have never seen this collection before so cute
I'd love to win this so I can snap up some clothes for my baby that arrives in November!
Great giveaway! Their stuff is soooo adorable and would look so cute on my oldest who is starting pre-school next week.
Adorable clothes! I would love to give a few pieces to all of my nieces and nephews for Christmas!
I follow Tea Collection on Twitter! (girlsflyfast)
and I follow them on FB too!
I clicked the "like" button to share your blog post!
Thanks for the giveaway!
So adorable! Love the Tea Collection!!
there's my daily dose of sweet lilly!!!! I'm becoming psyeudo-obsessed with your child!!
I love the Lola mini dress
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
follow tea collection on twitter (chelleb36)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like tea collection on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
liked post on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Totally loving the new fall collection!
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