We had a really great weekend. Grilled out at a friend's house, brunch with some favorite ladies, and lots of organizing. Oh and our new neighbors brought over the most amazing tomato pimento cheese pie. Heavenly. I really love our new neighborhood. So happy here.

New neighbors bringing over fabulous cuisine??? Sounds like you picked a *winner*! (c; And I would say it's looking enviably fabulous over there, grout and all (which I never would've noticed, you little perfectionist, you!). Isn't it nice to know that once this big push to get it all moved in and set up is done, then it will just be *yours*?!? I say cheers to that day (c:
So awesome! Great that you have nice neighbors. And you're a brave woman having open shelving - keeping the dishes dust free would drive me nuts!
wow - could you be any luckier to have neighbors like that? i havent met any of mine and ive lived here for 2 years. the houses are quite private tho. STill - PIMENTO and TOMATO PIE? gourmandes and good people!
Beautiful! Loving that peek of art (or a book??) at the bottom - great colors! Can't wait to see more!
Hope you're settling in! Such a fun (but stressful!) time to unpack and make yourself at home. Good luck! xo
I love the shelves; so pretty!
Looking good! Ahhh how I love open shelves!
Must be so fun getting everything in place. I love seeing little sneak peeks.
The nasty part of dark grout...getting it all off and clean!! It looks great, so happy for all of you that you are in your dream neighborhood, can't wait to see more! xx
Congratulations and happy settling! I can't wait to see more pics! I love looking at other people's houses! I guess I'm just a big ole nozella!
Looking good Chassity! Can't wait to see more inside pics!
So happy y'all are settling in! The kitchen looks gorgeous from what I can see! Camt wait to see more. Xo
Yay!!! Congrats! So glad you are loving it. And that pie sounds wonderful.
That tile is gorgeous. I'm impressed at your open shelves, love that look!
tomato pimento cheese pie?!?!?! we need to know more about that! yay for unpacking and being happy!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay, so happy for you, love the tiles and floating shelves ;)
Congratulations! I know you're gonna enjoy making your house a home now that you're finally settled in.
Love the fun sneak peeks:)) So happy you have got good neighbors. Ours are amazing and are always looking out for one another( in a good way) . Looking forward to more pics!
These are simple, but great!! I definitely want to do this!
I've been loving these little peeks of your new home!
How exciting to be in finally!!! I'm literally itching too see it all :D The open shelves and that tile look gorgeous!
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