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March 30, 2011

I Was Dreaming When I Wrote This

"Forgive me if it goes astray."  Tonight we're going to see Prince in concert.

{Photography by The Sartorialist}

"She wore a raspberry beret..."  I could be wrong, but isn't that The Glamourai?  

I look like a total dud in berets, so I won't be wearing one.  But there is a real good chance I'll be wearing my long, black chiffon skirt and my bright red (sexy lips, really that's the name) Laura Mercier lipstick.

So tonight I'm gonna party like it's... you know the rest.


Simply LKJ said...

Fun! Oh boy, does that bring back memories!!

Natalie {Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers} said...

Have a fab time tonight! Red lips make everything more fun!

Christina @ Simple and Delish said...

Have such a fun time!

Party Resources said...

The skirt is stunning! Now I am dreaming too...

Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

haha! I love Prince!! Have so much fun!

Morgan said...

Look for Courtney and I there! Can not WAIT!

Wendy said...

saw him in concert years ago "purple rain" -- enjoy!!!

Michelle @ Ten June said...

Aw so much fun!! What venue?? Now I'm going to have "Raspberry Beret" in my head alllll day : )

PS. LOVE the coral leopard clutch below. Need it in a blouse!! How cute would that be with a black pencil skirt?? Might even give up my love for work sheaths for that ensemble ; )

stephanie. said...

i bet you look darling in a beret!

have fun!

Dana Gastelum said...

Yay! Have a blast! :)

Unknown said...

CRAZY! I saw him perform in the eighties...this post really took me back!

Deanna Pai said...

Sounds like so much fun! I'd love to know how you style the skirt -- lengths like that intimidate me, but it looks so pretty!

Unknown said...

Oh what fun! Prince is awesome...I have heard that color of lipstick is killer, i need to give it a try!

Anonymous said...

When I think of prince--I immediately first think about Julia Roberts in Pretty Women. Haha--Love that scene where she sings his song.

Prince is awesome! Have fun.

Lovin That! said...

Prince is my all time favourite!! I have seen him at concert years ago and he was amazing...have fun!!

traci zeller designs said...

That girl looks amazing! Have a great time, Chassity!

lizziefitz said...

My bff thought the words were, pay the rent, come back" instead of little red corvette... i still pee! Sometimes I call her machine ads belt out the fubbed line, lol!

Camila@effortless-style said...

I love Prince! Totally jealous of your concert. Have a lot of fun!

Kerr said...

have fun! I cant wait to hear all about it.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Hilarious...especially because (and now I'm gunna go ahead and date myself) I graduated from high school in '99 and that was our class song. Love me some Prince...and that outfit is absolutely *smashing*...Never visited her, but I just had a *lot* of fun stalking her blog! Girl's got style...

Lily said...

How much fun! Love the long skirt.


Meghan McCann said...

Please stop posting adorable clutches! I'm running out of excuses to buy more...

Unknown said...

Oh my how fabulous- Prince life...dreamy. Love the skirt, love the red lips- pictures afterwards please.

Lindsey Regan Thorne @ be pretty said...

Your going to have a blast... he was just here in Charlotte and I wish I would have gone! :) I love red lipstick and have never tried "sexy lips" by LM!

elizabeth@themustardceiling said...

Have fun tonight!

katie beth said...

rock those sexy lips.

have fun tonight!

Julip Made said...

With a large noggin I too have trouble rockin the berets, but I love this look! Have a blast tonight!

Hamptontoes said...

She looks fab, but berets are for me either! Although, I'm a hat gal!

shi(f)t said...

Can you believe he's in Charleston?! I love how everyone is going slightly nuts over it -- have fun tonight!

Anonymous said...

So, So, So, So, Jealous!!! Okay it's bad to be jealous, so I'll say that I'm so excited for you! Have a blast and I expect a full report tomorrow!!! xoxo Annie

Anonymous said...

Love that maxi skirt - is it American Apparel? They have a couple I'm dying to get :)

I also cannot pull off berets :( I believe that is The Glamourai though :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, PS, I just added you to our blogroll! Go take a peek =)

Anonymous said...

love skirts like this! I want one so the lipstick as well.
xoxo em

Nuha said...

I thought the same thing when I saw the picture. it really does look like her! ( with bleached hair)

And I love the black skirt. I'm thinking you could wear it as a dress (+ belt) for future outfits :)

Kim @ keller-creative said...

My friends in Raleigh said the concert is a blast. I wish I had bought tickets for tonight... Have a great time!

Abbie Rumbach said...

I hear Prince is so much fun live. I just saw The Glamouri on The Nate Berkus show - she was so fab!

Bud and Leo said...

have a blast tonight! very jealoussss! :)

Unknown said...

Enjoy your Prince concert. I luv him...

ailinh said...

Luckyyyyy! I LOVE Prince! Totally envious of you girl. Have a blast!

Amber B (Simple Dwellings) said...

Prince!! How fun! I can't wait to see pictures!!

Marianne said...

My first concert was Prince's Purple Rain tour back in the mid 80's. I think I'm aging myself here, but I remember it was a blast! Hope you had a great time!

Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} said...

dearly beloved...we're gathered here today to get thru this thing called life......electric word life, it means forever and that's a mighty long time

but i'm here to tell you....I'm sure you looked fab and hope you had a great time!

Megan // Honey We're Home said...

so jelly!!!!!