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October 27, 2011

Design Sponge Craft & Book Party - Lowcountry Style

Last night Charleston had the supreme pleasure of welcoming Grace Bonney to town. Dwelling hosted the Design Sponge craft night and book signing party, and I was lucky enough to be in attendance and hang out with Miss Design Sponge herself. 

{Um, can we say absolutely adorable?  And she's as sweet as can be too.
Add her to my girl crush list!}

So as I was saying, the night started with a small crafting party. 

And here's a few of my lovely "craft-mates".

{Some ladies of Leapfrog PR who helped put on the whole shebang}

The craft du jour was making fabric paint stamps.  I decided to make mine a robot.

I made a onesie for our soon to be baby boy and also ended up doing a little bag for Lilly too!

There was still a little blue on the stamp when I did Lilly's robot, but I think it still turned out pretty cool.  Here's a peek at some of the other cute designs last night.

Such a fun night!  Beautiful space, lovely people, all to celebrate one talented blogger's success and new book!  Congrats Grace.


Simply LKJ said...

What fun! Love the robot. And, you so do not look prego!!

Holy City Chic | Megan said...

She is adorable! are you! Looks like a fun evening! Xo.

Unknown said...

You are the cutest preggo ever! What a fun night! I got the book a couple weeks ago- LOVE it!

travelkate said...

That looks like so much fun! And you look fabulous--can't believe you are pregnant in that pic :)

Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

What a fun night! And I love what you made for your little ones. I also just realized I've been spelling Lilly wrong, so sorry :)

Unknown said...

What fun! Grace is a sweet heart...I met her at Alt last year :) Holy cow your hair is getting long! Very chic!

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

That is totally awesome...I love the crafting part! It's always a bonding experience using creativity with other women (c: I need to get my hands on that book, too...

Unknown said...

So fun! Love the little onesie :) They're coming to Toronto in December for the book tour and I am so excited :D xo

Kate said...

Love your outfit. Can you share the source of the top? Just what I need for my own bump.

Unknown said...

First off, you are offically the cutest/chicest pregnant person ever...seriously- you're just glowing- and I usally hate that phrase but it's true in this case- you are! Secondly, how fun!! LOVE your little robots and can't wait to see little man wearing his/Lilly modeling hers!

MG Davis said...

LOVE!!! Va Beach representin'! <3

Leigh said...

Oh yay! It was so fun to see you here Chassity! What a great post ~ love seeing your pics. Thanks for the mention!

BTW, your robots are super fab! :)


Natalie {Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers} said...

I will say it again you are the cutest and tinest pregnant lady I know. Cute outfit. and Sad I missed out I had plans to stop by the book signing but my father in law randomly came in town and just stopped by our house at 4 and stayed til 8:(

Carissa @ the Fabulous Design File said...

Yes... agree with the comments above that you are seriously the most fabulous pregnant lady ever... by the time I was as far along as you I had gained some major 'face weight'... anyways... love that you did a robot stamp. I bet Lilly loved it!

Marianne said...

So much fun! You look great and love the robot onesie and bag. I'm sure Lilly is carrying it everywhere!

Unknown said...

looks like fun! i love the DS blog & i bet that book is great!
ps- Is there a way to find out about more events like these going on in Charleston? I'd love to get involved!

Emily | Recently said...

OK, you must share your secret to looking so good! You look fabulous and the event looks like it was a ton of fun. I love the robots!

ms.composure said...

aw gr8 picture and a gr8 idea! looks like you guys had an amazing time!!

Kim @ keller-creative said...

A robot! It's like an ode to my favorite halloween costume idea EVER. Wish I would have signed up in time for the craft event. Some of the pillows people made were AWESOME!

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

Wow I would have been kind of intimidated to do some crafts along THE Grace Bonney! Love what you made, so cute!

Courtney said...

This looks like so much fun...I still can't believe I missed this event!!

(Eileen) a creative day said...

You do look precious! So jealous you got to hang out with Grace, I preordered her book before it came out and devoured it the moment I got it, its genius! Looks like so much fun :-)


Michaela said...

Adorable! How fun...glad you got to go and meet Grace! I'm hoping for her book for my bday next week (:

Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} said...

You look so great! And why do I feel so proud of you for getting your craft on?!?!

Drew {Coral Cafe} said...

How EXCITING!! I am going this weekend to grab the book!!