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December 30, 2011

Some End Of Year Thanks

It's been an amazing year here on the blog, and that didn't happen alone.  All of you make all the time that I put into this little space worth it.  Your visits, comments, emails, and overall support are the BOMB, and I love ya.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has helped spread the word about LLL.  I'm touched that you would recommend my ramblings to your friends.  And I owe an extra special thanks to these ten top referring bloggers of 2011.

Lastly, a huge thanks to my sponsors who have supported my blogging habit and 
help me justify my time looking at pretty things to my husband :)  Ya'll ROCK.

Oh yes, one more final thank you to my friend Cassie at Hi Sugarplum for inspiring me to write this post.


Natalie {Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers} said...

Thanks for the love doll! Love your blog and your family! So glad we connected this year! xoxo
p.s Sterling is still talking about Lily's horse:)

Tammy@InStitches said...

Love visiting your blog. Wishing you lots of happiness in 2012 !

Danielle Oakey Interiors said...

So glad I could send some peeps your way!

Amber Interiors said...

Yayaaaa!!!! Your worth the read and referral. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family!