I started Look Linger Love for a few reasons. A creative outlet? Sure. A place to store all the sweet stuff that I love? Definitely. But mainly, I started Look Linger Love to celebrate awesome people and what those awesome people are doing. I get such joy by helping out someone and connecting people. Yes, generally these people are women. I guess you could say I'm girly by nature.
I've been feeling a little bogged down here on my blog for the past several months. Not everyday, but enough days. With the number of lifestyle blogs growing, and pinterest and instagram, it's hard to share something new and inspiring daily. And I guess I just don't think it's okay for Look Linger Love to just be another blog regurgitating the same stuff that we've seen time and time before. I've come too far at this point.
So. What to do? For one, I'm no longer holding myself to a daily blog post standard. If I'm not feeling like I have anything really great worth sharing, well then you likely won't hear from me that day. Also, I've set time aside each week where I'm getting out of my house and beating the streets, shops, you name it, to bring you some good stuff. (Don't worry, this will not turn into just a Charleston blog!!) There is so much greatness in this city though, and some seriously cool women doing cool things that are relevant to people anywhere and everywhere. I'm so excited to start this.
I'm also looking to finally re-design my site. It needs an overhaul. A really good one. It's pricey though. And I just have to figure all that out.
Bottom line, I'm tired of scowling at the computer and groaning. I'm bringing it back to this feeling.
It's good to shake things up a bit. Thanks for reading.
Photo by Charlotte Elizabeth.