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April 29, 2013

Foodie Crush

I have a new food blog crush. And it's appropriately named, Foodie Crush.

I realize Heidi's blog isn't exactly "new" as she has pretty much made it all and even has a magazine. But she's new to me. Much to my husband's surprise, apparently I haven't covered all corners of the internet.

Or, have I finally? Either way, I'm so glad I found her.

Alright, I'll stop with the grilled cheeses. Guess it's obvious where my heart lies...

Food. It's what's for dinner. Make what she's making.


Alex {Things That Sparkle} said...

YUM! And such pretty pictures.

Sadie + Stella said...

Ummmmm freaking yum. This looks incredible. Going to be checking this out on the reg.

Julia Ryan said...

okay I can tell this is going to be my new crush too. Yummmmmmmmm

Katy | Kate Decorates said...

YUM. This just made me so hungry! I love her styling... definitely a new must read.

17 Perth said...

Yum! Heading over there now...those pics are amazing!

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

I'm hungry!!!

designchic said...

This is making me so hungry...they all looks amazing!!

Natalie {Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers} said...

Yum. Is it wrong I want to eat everything pictured on here? Off to browse more of her recipes. I have been in a cooking rut lately and this is just the inspiration I needed!

lizziefitz said...

DANG!!!!!! You are killing me! I just gained ten lbs reading this post;)

Heidi said...

Whoa hazel! Thanks so much for the feature and link love. So weird to see all of those photos in one pretty spot like yours. I sooo appreciate the love and am thrilled to check out your site too. XOXO, Heidi

madeleine said...

food blogs have my heart. especially ones with fancy grilled cheese. I'll be checking this one on the regular!

Anu Shukla said...


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